Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Android Apps

[Last Updated: 2013-05-06]

Every now and again, geek chats turn to favorite Android apps. I've been meaning to make a list of mine. Here is that list, starting with the really useful, non-obvious choices first. If you have a great one that I left out, please let me know!

[Note: a few are labelled as requiring root. For these few, if you are not very technical, you may not want to try to use them.]

    Apps that everyone can use

  1. MX Player -- video player that is much more flexible than the built-in player. Versions: free (full, ad-supported); pro.
  2. RealCalc -- scientific calculator. Has support for Radix modes, RPN, and other nifty features. Versions: free (almost all features); pro.
  3. OurGroceries -- shared list manager. Has clients for Android, iOS, and generic web. Free, ad-supported.
  4. PowerToggles -- replacement (up to 8 toggles) for the default power control widget. Free. Note: some functionality requires root, but on Samsung, is worth installing even without root.
  5. ADW Launcher -- replacement for the main interface that comes with your Android device. Will let you increase the number of columns and rows. Very useful if you have a device that limits you in this department. Free.
  6. BeyondPodcast -- nice podcast manager. Much nicer than Google's "Listen" app. Versions: trial (limited); pro.
  7. ES File Explorer File Manager -- browse files directly. Free.
  8. Call log Backup, APN backup, SMS Backup -- free backup apps.
  9. Mantano Reader -- ereader app, my current preference.
  10. WiFi Web Login -- automate login to wifi hotspots. Very useful if your work and/or gym wifi requires a login.

    More specialized apps

  11. Connectbot -- ssh client. Free.
  12. Hacker's keyboard -- replacement Android virtual keyboard. Includes, control, alt, escape, and other useful keys. Free.
  13. Stickmount -- replacement for USB mass storage support for devices that don't come with. Free. Note: REQUIRES ROOT.
  14. Speed Dial -- replacement speed dial call list for phones that have a crappy phone app. Free.
  15. Battery Indicator (Darshan) -- nice battery widget.
  16. AutomateIt -- automatically change settings and do other actions based on triggers. Versions: free (limited); pro.
  17. BusyBox -- linux tools. Free. Note: REQUIRES ROOT.
  18. DOF Calculator (Aimen) -- for photographers to calculate depth-of-field. Has advanced mode that will let you fill in numbers -- handy for, say, shuttle photography. Free.
  19. Titanium backup -- lets you backup all your apps and setting, e.g. before an upgrade. NOTE: REQUIRES ROOT. Versions: free (limited); pro.
  20. Google Authenticator -- lets you build two-factor auth systems.
  21. Google Goggles -- work with barcodes.
  22. Hebrew Bible -- for looking things up on the fly.
  23. Hebrew Calendar Widget
  24. Karl's Mortgage Calculator -- calculate mortgage under various conditions. Free.
  25. How to Tie a Tie -- diagrams that include the more obscure tie types
  26. NASA App -- keep track of NASA
  27. mythfrontend -- watch TV from your MythTV player
  28. Periodic Table -- yay for chemistry!
  29. Presto Sound Library -- a "beta" but it costs money. Will let you play your podcasts in BeyondPodcast at faster than 1x.
  30. Skymap (google) -- nifty astronomy resource
  31. Stop Watch & Timer
  32. SuperSU -- manages root access. Note: requires root.
  33. Task Manager (Rhythm Software)
  34. Tivo -- control your tivo. Cannot yet stream content from a tivo. Free.
  35. The Weather Channel -- widgets to track weather
  36. traceroute (srcguardian)
  37. UltraTools Mobile -- traceroute and other tools to troubleshoot networks
  38. Yaaic -- IRC chat program. Free.
  39. Go Clock Widget
  40. Antivirus AVG. Free. Not sure if it's worth it. ;)
  41. Call Your Folks -- reminder to call parents.
  42. Nike+ Running
  43. Runkeeper
  44. MyBMI
  45. BMI Calculator

    Some app equivalents of popular websites and desktop apps. Also apps that tend to come with your devices

  46. Google Reader -- keep up with your RSS feeds. Unfortunately, limited to 30-day retention. Still one of my most heavily-used apps.
  47. Gmail -- keep up with your google mail
  48. Google Calendar
  49. Google Earth
  50. Google Play
  51. Google Play Books
  52. Google Play Movies and TV
  53. Google Play Music
  54. Google Search
  55. Google Translate
  56. Dropbox
  57. facebook
  58. firefox
  59. Flipboard
  60. IMDB -- search IMDB. Sometimes less useful than the website.
  61. Maps
  62. netflix
  63. Skype
  64. Street View on Google Maps
  65. twitter
  66. Voice Search (google)
  67. WinAmp -- yes, it's available for Android.
  68. Youtube

    Toys and games (all free except as indicated)

  69. AK-47 -- toy gun.
  70. Android Lightsaber
  71. Angry Birds
  72. Angry Birds Seasons
  73. Bard's Tale
  74. Binary Time Widget
  75. BSOD
  76. Defender II -- free to play. After a certain point, upgrades cost money. :(
  77. Radiant Defense -- free to play castle defence. After a certain point, upgrades cost money.
  78. ScreenCrack
  79. Sonic Screwdriver Gadgets
  80. Star Wars Light Saber
  81. Sudoku (Frank and Chase)
  82. Tricorder (not available from the app store)
  83. X-sonic Screwdrivers

    Some apps I no longer use/need

  84. Power Control Plus -- can have a whole lot of toggles, but can't set GPS even with root and running as a system app.
  85. Adobe Reader -- I no longer run Adobe software by choice
  86. Advanced Task Killer (rechild) -- don't like current permissions
  87. Aldiko -- eReader app. Has problems rendering the covers of some of my books. I've switched to Moon+ Reader.
  88. Android Tethering -- prefer wifi tethering
  89. BarcodeBank -- use google goggles instead
  90. Battery Widget (GeekyYouUp) -- prefer Darshan
  91. Brightest Flashlight -- prefer the flashlight that is part of Power Toggles
  92. Color Flashlight HD -- prefer the flashlight that is part of Power Toggles
  93. Power Control Widget -- a power control widget that can have an arbitrarily large number of controls/toggles. Unfortunately, it doesn't work on my rooted ICS Samsung S3.
  94. Moon+ Reader -- ereader app. Doesn't paginate correctly.
  95. Nook -- implements DRM. No thanks.
  96. Out of Milk -- shopping app. No easy sharing.
  97. eReader Prestigio -- ereader app. Put an ad in my notification area.
  98. Racing Live -- free to play.
  99. Shop Savvy Barcode scanner

Tips and tricks

  • You can use widgets to make shortcuts. This is really useful for navigation -- I have shortcuts for home, work, gym, parents, and some others. Also for google reader -- I have a shortcut for slashdot.
  • With AutomateIt, you can have the GPS and 4G automatically turn on when you turn on navigation. This may be updated in the future. :)
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